Hvad er det vigtigste din mor har lært dig?At være stærk, selvstændig  μετάφραση - Hvad er det vigtigste din mor har lært dig?At være stærk, selvstændig  Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Hvad er det vigtigste din mor har l

Hvad er det vigtigste din mor har lært dig?
At være stærk, selvstændig og lykkelig.
Hvad betyder det?
”For fem år siden havde min far en blodprop i hjernen og han mistede al bevægelsen i den venstre side af sin krop. Han kan ikke gøre noget selv siden det. Staten har aldrig hjulpet os og efter vi havde betalt for operationerne havde vi ingen penge tilbage. Så skulle min mor passede ham og vores mini-Market på samme tid. Det var der, min mor fortalte mig, at jeg skal være stærk og selvstændig for at finde en vej til at overleve og hjælpe hende og min far. Så gjorde jeg det, og nu studerer og arbejder jeg her i Danmark. Og jeg er lykkelig over det.”
Hvad kan du bedst lide her?
”Sundhedssystemet.”, fra Kina, 4 år i Danmark.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
What is the most important thing your mother taught you?To be strong, independent and happy.What does it mean?"Five years ago, my father had a blood clot in the brain and he lost all movement on the left side of his body. He can't do anything yourself since it. the State has never helped us and after we had paid for the operations we had no money back. So should my mother looked after him and our mini-Market at the same time. It was there, my mom told me that I must be strong and independent, in order to find a way to survive and help her and my dad. Then I did it, and now are studying and I'm working here in Denmark. And I'm happy about it. "What do you like best here?"The health system.", from China, 4 years in Denmark.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
What is the most important thing your mother taught you?
To be strong, independent and happy.
What does it mean?
"Five years ago, my father had a stroke and he lost all movement in the left side of his body. He can not do anything though since it. The state has never helped us and after we had paid for the operations we had no money left. So did my mother looked after him and our mini-market at the same time. It was there, my mother told me that I must be strong and independent to find a way to survive and help her and my father. So I did it and now study and work I here in Denmark. And I'm happy about it. "
What do you like here?
"The health system.", from China, four years in Denmark.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
What is the most important thing your mother has taught you?
to be strong, independent and happy.
what does it?
"five years ago my father had a heart attack in the brain and he lost all the movement in the left side of his body. He cannot do anything even since the. The State has never helped us and after we had paid for the operations we had no money back.So, my mother didn't fit him and our mini-market at the same time. It was there, my mother told me that I must be strong and independent to find a way to survive and help her and my father. So I made it, and now I am studying and working here in Denmark. And I am happy it. "
What do you like best here?
"Health. ", from China, 4 years in Denmark.
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