En ting som jeg ellers anser for værende MEGET privat.. kan jeg vel li μετάφραση - En ting som jeg ellers anser for værende MEGET privat.. kan jeg vel li Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

En ting som jeg ellers anser for væ

En ting som jeg ellers anser for værende MEGET privat.. kan jeg vel lige så komme omkring også..
Annette har fået for vane at samle alt hvad hun ikke kan li' - blande det hele sammen og røre rundt.. og hælde det ud for alle at se.. og det skaber et MEGET fordrejet billede af virkeligheden..
Det jeg taler om er min Veninde på Corfu.. Alex - hun har INTET med mine problemer at gøre.. hun er tværtom nok den person der har hjulpet mig mest.. måske nogensinde..!! og selvom vi havde en kort affære for 25 år siden og igen.. en kort affære for 2 år siden .. så har det aldrig fået mig til at tvivle på min kærlighed til Annette.. eller min loyalitet ..! og nu vil jeg prøve at være "gentelman" nok til ikke at trække hende igennem sølet.. - for Annette har ihvertfald.. ikke fornægtet sig noget på den konto der handler om at have forhold til andre.. Hun fører på min kugle ramme.. men jeg har nok også valgt at sige så lidt som muligt.. det er ikke godt for ens omdømme .. som Mand i det miljø jeg færdes i - at ens kone.. ser andre..
At leve hvor jeg gør, er nogen gange afhængig af "respect .. " - Jeg færdes i et Meget Macho Miljø .. !
Hvor .. Hard drinking and "loose Women " er daglig dag...

Kys, kuns & kram min Mor.. Th
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
One thing which I otherwise regard as being very private ... I can just as well get around also ... Annette has gotten in the habit of assembling everything she can't li '-mix it all together and stir around ... and pouring it out for all to see ... and it creates a VERY distorted picture of reality. What I'm talking about is my Friend at Corfu ... Alex-she has NOTHING to do with my problems ... rather, she is probably the person who has helped me most ... maybe ever ..!! and even though we had a short affair 25 years ago and again ... a brief affair 2 years ago ... so it has never caused me to doubt my love for Annette ... or my loyalty ...! and now I'll try to be "gentelman" enough not to drag her through the mire ... -for Annette has at least ... not denied any of the account who is about to have relationship with other ... She leads on my abacus ... but I've also chosen to say as little as possible ... It is not good for one's reputation ... as the Man in the environment I move in-that one's wife ... see other ... Living where I do is sometimes dependent on "respect .."-I move in a Very Macho Environment.. !Where ... Hard drinking and "loose Women" is daily day ... Kiss, Willie & stuff my Mother ... Th
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
One thing that I otherwise deem to be VERY private .. I might as get around too ..
Annette has got into the habit to collect everything she do not like - mix it all together and stir .. and pour it for all to see .. and it creates a VERY distorted picture of reality ..
What I am talking about is my love of Corfu .. Alex - she has NOTHING with my problems to do .. she is the contrary probably the person who helped me most .. maybe ever .. !! and although we had a brief affair 25 years ago and again .. a brief affair 2 years ago .. it's never caused me to doubt my love for Annette .. or my loyalty ..! and now I will try to be "gentlemanly" enough not to drag her through the mud .. - for Annette has at any rate .. not denied anything of the account that's about having respect for others .. She leads on my abacus .. but I have probably chosen to say as little as possible .. it's not good for one's reputation .. as Man in the environment I move in - that one's wife .. see others ..
to live where I do, sometimes depending on "respectfull .." - I travel in a Very Macho Environment ..!
How .. Hard drinking and "loose Women" daily today ...

Kiss, kuns & hug my mother .. Th
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
one thing which i consider to be of very private. i guess i can just come around too.annette has got into the habit of collecting all what she doesn"t like mix it all together and stir. and pour it out for all to see. and it creates a very distorted picture of reality.i"m talking about my friend at corfu. alex - she has nothing to do with my problems. she is indeed the person who helped me the most. maybe ever. and even though we had a brief affair 25 years ago and again. a brief affair for 2 years ago.. it"s never caused me to doubt my love for annette... or my loyalty. and now i will try to be a "gentleman" enough not to pull her through the mud. - annette certainly has... not denied anything on this account there is to have relationships with others. she is my bullet hit. but i guess i have also chosen to say as little as possible. it"s not good for your reputation. as a man in the environment i move in to your wife. see other.to live where i do is sometimes dependent on "respect." - i move in a very macho environment... !where the... hard drinking and "loose women" is a daily day...kiss, kuns & hug my mother... th
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