Jeg læste hvad A skrev .. og der er et par ting som jeg er nødt til at μετάφραση - Jeg læste hvad A skrev .. og der er et par ting som jeg er nødt til at Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Jeg læste hvad A skrev .. og der er

Jeg læste hvad A skrev .. og der er et par ting som jeg er nødt til at sige noget til..

Jeg er ikke ..!!! af den opfattelse at mine/familie relationer er ødelagt..
Jeg var .."sur" over - hvad jeg opfattede som en desavouering.. for nu at sige det mildt.. !!
Og jeg holdt Annette ansvarlig for det.. I de over 30 aar vi har kendt hinanden har der altid været
en fortåselse at det var Os først.. og så .. måske.. de andre senere.. og der brød Hun med en Meget
grundlæggende Håndfæstning vi indgik for længe siden.. Det var det , det handlede om for mig..
- ikke at Jeg ikke kunne se at jeg var "kørt i grøften " - for det var jeg..!! og at jeg behøvede en hånd for at komme op igen.. det kunne jeg også godt se..
-men for lige at gøre det her færdigt.. og .. det ved jeg at ligger jer/dig paa sinde.. saa er det Hun/Annette skriver
med at Spritussen er stigende . . Well, ja.. når du gaar fra 0 til 1 .. saa er det 100 %.. men naar jeg igaar lavede
Æbleskiver og ikke engang kunne severe et glass Glöck.. saa er jeg ikke længere med... og naar jeg ikke kan tage
én øl .. o.k. måske to , nede på pladsen med nogle af vores fælles venner.. så er det måske på tide at rulle sovepose
sammen.. og finde et nyt sted.. men som Hun - Annette- også skiver.. saa er det bare ikke helt så nemt..
- Der er ingen af os der har nogen ideá om hvor vi skal tage hen.. og vi har heller ingen penge til gøre det..
og da slet ikke jeg..
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I read what A wrote ... and there are a few things which I have to say something to ... I'm not ..!!! of the opinion that my/family relationships are ruined ... I was ... " sur "over-what I perceived as a disavowal.. for now, to say the least ... !!And I kept Annette responsible for it ... In the more than 30 years we've known each other, there has always been a fortåselse that it was us first ... and so ... Maybe ... the other later.. and there She broke with a Very basic hand fortress we concluded a long time ago ... It was what it was all about for me. "-not that I couldn't see that I was "driven into the ditch"-for it was I..!! and that I needed a hand to get up again ... I could also see the ... -but just to make it here finished ... and ... I know that is you/you on our hearts ... as it is She/Annette writes with that Spritussen is on the rise. . Well, Yes ... When you're going from 0 to 1. so it is 100% ... but when I start made Fritters and couldn't even severe a glass Glöck.. so I am no longer with ... and when I can't take one beer ... OK maybe two, down to square with some of our mutual friends.. so it is perhaps time to drop-down sleeping bagtogether ... and find a new place ... but as She-Annette-also slices ... so it's just not quite as easy ... -There is none of us have any ideá about where we need to go.. and we have no money to do it ... and certainly not I..
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
I read what A wrote .. and there are a few things I have to say something ..

I'm not .. !!! of the opinion that my / family relationships are destroyed ..
I was .. "sour" over - what I perceived as a disavowal .. for now to say the least .. !!
And I kept Annette responsible for it .. In over 30 years we have known each other has always been
one fortåselse that it was us first .. and then .. maybe .. the other later .. and broke, she with a Very
basic charter we signed a long time ago .. it was what it was all about for me ..
- not that I could not see that I was "in the ditch" - for it was I .. !! and that I needed a hand to get up again .. that I could well see ..
-but just to to finish this .. and ..
I know that is you / you in mind .. so it is she / Annette writes to Spritussen is increasing. . Well, yes .. when you go 0-1 .. so it is 100% .. but when I yesterday made
Fritters and could not even severe a glass Glock .. so I am no longer with ... and when I do not can take
one beer .. ok maybe two, down to the square with some of our mutual friends .. then it is perhaps time to roll sleeping bag
together .. and find a new place .. but she - Annette- also slices .. so it's just not quite as easy ..
- there is none of us have any Idea about where we should go .. and we have no money to do it ..
and certainly not I ..
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
i read what a wrote. and there's a few things i have to say something to...i'm not... !! the view that my / family relationships are destroyed.i was "upset" over what i perceived as a disrespect. for now, to say the least. !!annette and i held responsible for it. in the more than 30 years we've known each other, there has always beena fortåselse that it was us first. and then... maybe.. the others later. and she broke with a veryfundamental charter we concluded a long time ago. this was what it was all about for me.- not that i could not see that i was "run road" - for it was i! ! and i needed a hand to get up again. i could also see...- but just to finish this. and... i know that is you / you at heart. it's she / annette writesto spritussen is increasing. . well, yes. when you go from 0 to 1. it's 100%. but when i igaar madefritters and could not even severe a glass glöck... so i'm no longer... and when i can't takeone beer. ok, maybe two, down on the square with some of our common friends. then perhaps it's time to roll bagtogether.. and find a new place. but as she - annette - also slices. it's just not quite so easy.- none of us have any ideá about where we should go. and we also have no money to do it.and certainly not i...
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