i read what a wrote. and there's a few things i have to say something to...i'm not... !! the view that my / family relationships are destroyed.i was "upset" over what i perceived as a disrespect. for now, to say the least. !!annette and i held responsible for it. in the more than 30 years we've known each other, there has always beena fortåselse that it was us first. and then... maybe.. the others later. and she broke with a veryfundamental charter we concluded a long time ago. this was what it was all about for me.- not that i could not see that i was "run road" - for it was i! ! and i needed a hand to get up again. i could also see...- but just to finish this. and... i know that is you / you at heart. it's she / annette writesto spritussen is increasing. . well, yes. when you go from 0 to 1. it's 100%. but when i igaar madefritters and could not even severe a glass glöck... so i'm no longer... and when i can't takeone beer. ok, maybe two, down on the square with some of our common friends. then perhaps it's time to roll bagtogether.. and find a new place. but as she - annette - also slices. it's just not quite so easy.- none of us have any ideá about where we should go. and we also have no money to do it.and certainly not i...
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